Quotes From The Maltese Falcon

Quotes from the maltese falcon“When a man’s partner is killed, he’s supposed to do something about it. It doesn’t make any difference what you thought of him. He was your partner and you’re supposed to do something about it.”

These iconic words from Dashiell Hammett’s classic novel, The Maltese Falcon, set the stage for this enthralling narrative, offering readers a glimpse into a story that is rich in detail and brimming with originality from the outset.


Quotes from the maltese falcon

Dashiell Hammett’s “The Maltese Falcon” is a seminal work in the crime fiction genre, recognized for its intricate plot, compelling characters, and enduring influence on the genre.

The novel follows the adventures of private detective Sam Spade as he investigates the mysterious disappearance of a priceless artifact, the titular Maltese Falcon. Along the way, Spade encounters a cast of enigmatic characters, including the alluring Brigid O’Shaughnessy and the enigmatic Kasper Gutman.

Significance in the Crime Fiction Genre

Hammett’s novel revolutionized the crime fiction genre by introducing a hard-boiled, cynical detective who was both resourceful and flawed. Spade’s pragmatic approach and willingness to bend the rules set a new standard for private detectives in literature and film.

Moreover, “The Maltese Falcon” popularized the use of complex plots with multiple layers of deception and intrigue. Hammett’s masterful storytelling and ability to keep readers guessing until the very end has had a lasting impact on the genre.

Iconic Quotes: Quotes From The Maltese Falcon


The Maltese Falcon is replete with memorable and iconic quotes that have resonated with readers and viewers alike. These quotes not only capture the essence of the characters and their motivations but also provide insights into the novel’s themes and the human condition.

Famous Quotes, Quotes from the maltese falcon

Quote Speaker Context Significance
“When a man’s partner is killed, he’s supposed to do something about it. It doesn’t make any difference what you thought of him. He was your partner and you’re supposed to do something about it.” Sam Spade After Miles Archer is killed, Spade reflects on his duty to avenge his partner. This quote highlights Spade’s strong sense of loyalty and his belief in the importance of honor and justice.
“The cheaper the crook, the gaudier the patter.” Sam Spade Spade’s observation about the correlation between a criminal’s sophistication and their use of flamboyant language. This quote demonstrates Spade’s keen eye for detail and his ability to assess people’s character.
“I don’t mind if you don’t like me, Miss Wonderly. I never saw a woman yet that I wanted to have like me so much that I’d be willing to get down on my knees and beg for it.” Sam Spade Spade’s response to Brigid O’Shaughnessy’s disapproval of him. This quote showcases Spade’s self-assurance and his unwillingness to compromise his integrity for someone’s approval.
“The Maltese Falcon is the stuff that dreams are made of.” Wilmer Wilmer’s description of the legendary treasure. This quote emphasizes the allure and mystique of the Maltese Falcon, which drives the characters’ actions and desires.

Characterization through Quotes

Maltese bogart humphrey huston

The characters in The Maltese Falcon are brought to life through their words and actions. Their quotes reveal their personalities, motivations, and moral dilemmas. By examining these quotes, we can gain a deeper understanding of the characters and their roles in the story.

One of the most striking characters in the novel is Sam Spade, a private detective who is both cynical and compassionate. His quotes often reflect his tough exterior and his willingness to do whatever it takes to get the job done.

Sam Spade

  • “When a man’s partner is killed he’s supposed to do something about it. It doesn’t make any difference what you thought of him. He was your partner and you’re supposed to do something about it.”
  • “I don’t mind if you think I’m a heel. I don’t like myself much, either.”
  • “You’re not as smart as you think you are.”

Another important character in the novel is Brigid O’Shaughnessy, a femme fatale who uses her beauty and charm to manipulate those around her.

The Maltese Falcon’s memorable quotes remind us of the importance of wit and cunning. Similarly, in the real estate industry, realtors must be competent in their craft. They should possess not only knowledge of the market but also sharp negotiation skills and a keen eye for detail.

These qualities echo the astute observations and quick thinking of the characters in The Maltese Falcon, emphasizing the need for competence in both the world of literature and real estate.

Brigid O’Shaughnessy

  • “I’m not going to tell you anything. I don’t like you and I don’t trust you.”
  • “I’m not a bad girl. I’m just a woman who knows what she wants.”
  • “You’re a fool to believe me. I’m not what you think I am.”

These are just a few of the many memorable quotes from The Maltese Falcon. By examining these quotes, we can gain a deeper understanding of the characters and their roles in the story.

Themes and Motifs

Maltese kasper gutman

Dashiell Hammett’s The Maltese Falconexplores a myriad of themes and motifs through its memorable quotes. These quotes serve as insightful reflections on the complexities of human nature, the pursuit of wealth and power, and the elusive nature of truth.

The Power of Greed

The novel’s central theme revolves around the corrupting influence of greed. Many quotes highlight the characters’ relentless pursuit of wealth and material possessions, often at the expense of their morals and relationships.

  • “When a man’s partner is killed, he’s supposed to do something about it. It doesn’t make any difference what you thought of him. He was your partner and you’re supposed to do something about it.”– Sam Spade
  • “The cheaper the crook, the gaudier the patter.”– Sam Spade

The Elusive Nature of Truth

The search for the titular Maltese Falcon exposes the characters’ struggles to discern truth from deception. Quotes reveal the complexities of human perception and the difficulty in uncovering the true nature of events.

  • “The truth is a naked lady, and if you go chasing after her, she will turn and run.”– Gutman
  • “You can’t believe anything anybody tells you about a woman. They’re all liars.”– Sam Spade

The Corruption of Innocence

The novel also explores the theme of the corruption of innocence, as the characters’ pursuit of the Falcon leads them down a path of violence and deceit. Quotes capture the loss of trust and the disillusionment that comes with exposure to the darker side of human nature.

  • “I don’t care what you think about me, Miss Wonderly. I don’t care about anything in the world except getting my hands on that statue.”– Gutman
  • “I’ve been in this racket long enough to know that when a man says he’s innocent, he’s guilty.”– Sam Spade

Literary Techniques

Quotes from the maltese falcon

The Maltese Falcon employs various literary techniques to enhance the impact and depth of its memorable quotes. These techniques include foreshadowing, irony, and symbolism, which create a rich and engaging narrative experience.


Foreshadowing is used throughout the novel to hint at future events, building suspense and anticipation. For instance, when Brigid O’Shaughnessy first appears, her “ivory-white face” and “black hair” foreshadow her deceptive and dangerous nature.


Irony plays a significant role in the novel, creating moments of tension and surprise. One notable example is when Sam Spade, the hard-boiled detective, expresses his disdain for “efficiency” in solving crimes, yet his relentless pursuit of the falcon proves his own efficiency.


Symbolism is prevalent in The Maltese Falcon, adding depth and complexity to the narrative. The titular falcon itself symbolizes wealth, power, and desire, while the bird’s “jewels” represent the hidden truths and secrets that drive the characters’ actions.

Cultural Impact

The enduring cultural impact of The Maltese Falcon‘s quotes is a testament to their timeless appeal. They have been referenced and parodied in countless works of popular culture, literature, and film, solidifying their place in the cultural lexicon.

In Popular Culture

  • The iconic line, “The stuff that dreams are made of,” has been referenced in everything from movies ( The Big Sleep) to television shows ( The Simpsons) to music (Sting’s “Fields of Gold”).
  • The phrase “fat man” has become synonymous with corruption and greed, thanks to Kasper Gutman’s memorable portrayal in the novel.

In Literature

  • Dashiell Hammett’s hard-boiled detective style has influenced generations of crime writers, and his iconic quotes have been echoed in the works of Raymond Chandler, Mickey Spillane, and Elmore Leonard.
  • The novel’s exploration of morality and the nature of evil has resonated with readers and writers alike, inspiring countless works of fiction that grapple with similar themes.

In Film

  • John Huston’s 1941 film adaptation of The Maltese Falconbrought the novel’s characters and quotes to life on the silver screen. Humphrey Bogart’s iconic portrayal of Sam Spade cemented the character’s status as a cultural icon.
  • The film’s success led to several remakes and adaptations, each of which has helped to keep the novel’s quotes alive in the public consciousness.

Timeline of Cultural Influence


The Maltese Falconis published, introducing its iconic quotes to the world.


John Huston’s film adaptation brings the quotes to the silver screen.


The novel and its quotes influence the development of hard-boiled crime fiction.


The quotes continue to be referenced in popular culture, including films, television shows, and music.


The novel’s quotes remain a touchstone for crime fiction writers and continue to be referenced in contemporary popular culture.

Questions and Answers

Who is the main character in The Maltese Falcon?

Sam Spade

What is the Maltese Falcon?

A bejeweled statuette of a falcon

Who is the villain in The Maltese Falcon?

Wilmer Cook